Monday, May 5, 2014

Character Design Demo - Post Apocolyptic Mutant

This is a recording of the Apocalyptic Mutant Character Concept. The video is sped up from about 2 hours down to about 15 min, and demonstrates the entire work flow from start to finish.

Check it out and enjoy the video. 

Post Apocalyptic Mutant Character Concept

Another glorious inhabitant from the post-apocalyptic, war ravaged Earth theme.

The catastrophic, intergalactic weaponry used by the alien invaders during the war created a fallout of pollution and toxins that caused severe genetic anomalies throughout humanity in the years to come.

The character concept you see in front of you describes one of the beasts left lurking around after the invasion.

This guy was demoed during class in about two hours.

Fraktalvoid Gears up for the Release of They're Latest Mobile Game App

Video games are a unique genre of entertainment aren’t they?

I mean is there anything else out there that allows you to immerse yourself and interact within a world created purely from imagination on that kind of level? That’s what get’s us so hooked so quickly!

Because games are an art form in and of themselves that allow us to communicate our ideas with one another more potently then ever, here in this modern age of technology.

As much love as one might have for Games, there’s no question that setting out to make one is ambitious. In fact often times it’s quite frankly a struggle, especially when there’s only 4 of you pulling every ounce of passion, motivation and drive to make that killer idea become a reality. If you’re part of a small indie dev team you know what I’m talking about.

For the last few years, myself, dev leader Chris, magnificent manga artist Nirza ‘Scyfon’ Khan, sound magician George and the rest of us at Fraktalvoid have been doing just that. We’ve finally made Speed Blazers 2 a reality, with over 72 levels, 8 kickass playable characters, each with unique abilities, and a refined gameplay.

Here’s the exciting news though…

We’re really pushing to get it into your hands within only a matter of weeks from now.

So I'm quickly sending this post out to you because I'd like to invite you to check out .

Any updates and news about the game will be available for you right there, along with a whole bunch of development content we're currently putting together.

You can also follow us right here on Google Plus.

Thanks, and talk soon!

P.S. By the way, if you've got any questions about the game that you'd like to ask, you're welcome to post them in the comments below. I'd be more then happy to answer them.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Character Design Demo - Post Apocolyptic Gaurd

Here's a 10 minute recording of the Post Apocolyptic Guard Concept I demo'd earlier this week. It's sped up of course, from just under 1:30hrs and takes you through the entire process from start to finish.

Check it out and if you enjoy the video, be sure to like and share the love.